In 2023, Fulton expanded its IPA offerings with the introduction of Hop Kingdom – a brand family of IPAs inspired by and made for Minnesotans. Propelled by Fulton’s 15-year history of brewing notable IPAs – from Sweet Child of Vine, the brewery’s first beer released in 2011, to 300 IPA, the most awarded beer in the portfolio’s history – one thing is clear: IPAs are in Fulton’s blood.
This collection of IPAs represents that sweet middle in the Venn diagram of Minnesota. Hop Kingdom was made for people who love Minnesota and love IPAs. In an unofficial poll, it also ranks high with people who love Venn diagrams.
Local designer, Marvel comic artist and midwestern man of mystery Brent Schoonover was tapped to illustrate the Hop Kingdom labels, drawing inspiration from the iconic array of animals that personify our state’s intense sense of pride. The distinct imagery of whole cone hops is woven into the story of Hop Kingdom from the inside out.

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IPAs are in our DNA, as is our Minnesota heritage. Hop Kingdom arose from this lineage to claim the throne as Minnesota's hop royalty - a family of IPAs inspired by and made for Minnesotans.